Debt Management Plan (DMP) 

A DMP is an informal solution that allows you to negotiate a reduced monthly payment to settle your debts.

What is a DMP?

A Debt Management Plan is an agreement, negotiated by you or a third party, to lower your monthly payments to your creditors.

It isn’t legally binding, unlike other debt solutions, such as an Individual Voluntary Arrangement (IVA). With a DMP, your monthly payments are proposed based on what you can reasonably afford.

Will a DMP work for me?

There’s no maximum or minimum debt level needed to enter a DMP, but there are some things to consider before applying.

A DMP is good for those who are struggling to keep up with their debt repayments, but who can afford to consistently pay smaller amounts over a longer period of time.

It’s also good for those whose circumstances are likely to improve over time and who have a steady and relatively stable income.

Will a DMP hurt my credit score?

It’s important to be aware that entering into a Debt Management Plan will usually have a negative impact on your credit score – the three-digit score that reflects your chances of being accepted for credit in the future.

Is a DMP a good idea?

Ultimately, whether a Debt Management Plan is a good option for you depends on your situation, but there are some broad criteria that might make you a good candidate.

If you are currently struggling to cover the cost of your monthly debt repayments, can’t keep on top of payments to multiple creditors, or you’d like a third party to deal with creditors on your behalf, a DMP may well be an option worth exploring

Ready to speak to an advisor?

It’s important to remember that no debt solution is perfect and there is no ‘one-size-fits-all,’ which is why we recommend speaking to one of expert debt advisors, completely free of charge, about your options and next steps.

DMP Pros

  • There are certain non-fee charging organisations & charities that provide this service for free, you can contact the Money Advice Service for more information

DMP Cons